Oprah Winfrey’s New Age “Christianity” (Part 2) – Neale Donald Walsch, “God” and Hitler

March 19, 2015

By Warren B. Smith

Several months after the tragic events of 9/11/2001, Oprah Winfrey did a special program on the ten most “memorable thinkers” she had ever met.1 One of these memorable thinkers was a controversial New Age channeler by the name of Neale Donald Walsch who teaches—among other things—that we are all “God”2 and that “Hitler went to heaven.”3 Oprah’s high praise of Walsch provides important insight into the strong New Age beliefs she attempts to pass off as being “Christian.”

Who is Neale Donald Walsch?

In 1992, Neale Donald Walsch, a disillusioned and distraught former radio talk-show host, public relations professional, and longtime metaphysical seeker, sat down one night and wrote God an angry letter.4 He was amazed when “God” immediately answered his letter by speaking to him through an inner voice. That night, and in subsequent conversations, Walsch wrote down all the dictated answers to his questions. Walsch’s Conversations with God, Book 1 was published in 1995 and became the first in a series of best-selling Conversations with God books. It seemed that in Walsch, “God” had found yet another willing channel for his New Age/New Gospel/New Spirituality teachings.

In a style reminiscent of John Denver and George Burns in the movie Oh, God!, Walsch and “God” present a more “down home” version of the same New Age/New Gospel teachings that were conveyed through previous “inner voice” dictations to Helen Schucman (A Course in Miracles), Barbara Marx Hubbard (The Revelation), Benjamin Creme (Messages from Maitreya), and many others. With Walsch playing the role of devil’s advocate, “God” cleverly plays off of Walsch’s leading questions and comments. Walsch and “God” come across in these conversations as a couple of “everyday Joe’s” who systematically dismantle biblical Christianity with their straight-from-the-source, “thus saith the Lord,” “spiritually correct” teachings. With the assurance of two foxes now in control of the henhouse, they emphatically assert that their New Gospel is from God and the “Old Gospel” is not.

To read whole article click here.

Media and Advocacy Groups Ignore Larger Anti-Semitic Culprit —the New Age/New Thought “God” Who Minimizes the Holocaust

(The following article reveals how dangerous the New Age or New Spirituality message promoted by Oprah Winfrey, Neale Donald Walsch and others truly is.  By ‘dangerous’ I mean “a future “selection process” that would result in the mandated deaths of all those who refuse to comply with the bottom-line doctrine of his New Spirituality—that we are all “God.”” I strongly encourage you to read Warren B. Smith’s 2015 booklet Oprah Winfrey’s New Age “Christianity” – Neale Donald Walsch, “God,” and Hitler which follows the blog.  May God open the eyes of the unsuspecting.  God Bless. Carl)

Media and Advocacy Groups Ignore Larger Anti-Semitic Culprit—-the New Age/New Thought “God” Who Minimizes The Holocaust

November 14, 2018  Lighthouse Trails Editors

While major media voices such as Newsweek and groups such as Poland’s Auschwitz Memorial are speaking up this week about a group of Wisconsin high school boys who allegedly gave a Nazi salute in a group photo, media and Jewish advocacy groups seem unaware that one of the most popular well-admired New Age authors states in a best-selling book that God told him Hitler didn’t “inflict suffering” on the Jewish people, but rather he “ended” it.

Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations With God series sold millions of copies, and Book 1 sat on the New York Times Best-Seller list for 137 weeks. In Conversations With God (Book 2), Walsch (who “views himself as a messenger from God” ) said his New Age “God” told him:

Now your thought that Hitler was a monster is based on the fact that he ordered the killing of millions of people, correct? . . . Yet what if I told you that what you call “death” is the greatest thing that could happen to anyone—what then?

Walsch’s “God” also said in Book 2 that “Hitler went to heaven” (p.35) and in speaking about Hitler and the exterminated Jews, says, “Every event is an Act of God” (p. 49).

Even though such comments were made in a book by a New York Times best-selling author, not one advocacy group or media outlet protested at all even though such comments have been read and have likely altered the views of countless people since Conversations With God, Book 2 came out in 1997. On the contrary, people like Oprah Winfrey have promoted Walsch. On one show, Oprah called him one of the ten most “memorable thinkers” in a special program in 2001 after 9/11; and, in a presentation that Walsch gave, he said Oprah held up Conversations With God, Book 1 and said, “This is my favorite book” (source). How could she (or anyone) promote Walsch’s “God,” who said:

The mistakes Hitler made did no harm or damage to those whose deaths he caused. Those souls were released from their earthly bondage, like butterflies emerging from a cocoon. (p. 54, CWG, Book 2)

It seems rather hypocritical to go after this group of high school boys (who were utterly wrong if indeed they were giving a Nazi salute) yet ignore widely spread statements, made in a best-selling book, that carry far more weight and have substantially more influence.

To read the entire article, click here.

God bless you and may the Lord open our eyes!
