It is impossible to understand the present condition of Christendom except in the light of History.      Henry H. Halley

If we wish to understand why the “visible” Christian church looks like it does today, we need to understand what has transpired since Lord Jesus ascended into heaven as recorded in the Book of Acts in the Holy Bible.  I would also add if we wished to properly understand the End Times, we need to understand what transpired in the past.

To help my descendants understand church history and to preserve it for my yet to be born descendants, I have created a website called Christian Church History. Though it is still under construction, I want to now open it up to the readers of this blog.

The site contains videos I have made and on the Resource page there are certain documents I believe are relevant.

Please drop in and look at the site when you have time. You can reach it by going to https://www.carljohnsonministry.com/ or clicking on any of the links in this post.

Any comments, corrections, suggestions, etc. are welcome.

Thank you.

God bless,
