Satellite Imagery & The Garden of Eden

…. there are currently no archaeological data for the garden of Eden. However, scholars have attempted to deduce its location from the evidence in the biblical account, which names four rivers associated with the river flowing through Eden (Genesis 2: 10-14).

Two of those rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, are presumed to be the same as those known to us today, as is the location of the country (Assyria) identified with the Tigris. The identity of the other two is less certain. One, the Pishon, is said to wind through the land of Havilah, where there is gold, aromatic resin, and onyx. The other is the Gihon, said to flow through the land of Cush.

Many different locations for these rivers and of Eden have been proposed. Astronomer Hughes Ross has made a suggestion informed by satellite imagery:

“The details here point in the direction of the Hejaz, a mountainous region in the west central part of Saudi Arabia. This 6,000-foot range contains the only known source of workable gold in the region. The land of Cush has long been identified with Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Given that the Bab el Mandeb strait and much of the Red Sea were dry near the end of the last ice age (between 20,000 and 7,000 BC), Cush would have included the mountains in Arabia’s southwest corner…. Satellite imagery reveals the dry beds of two major rivers that once flowed from west-central and southwestern Arabia into the Persian Gulf region. (Ross, NG, 97-8)”

Ross notes that the one location where these two rivers could come together with the Tigris and Euphrates is in the Persian Gulf region.  (Ross, NG, 99) Archaeological finds on the northern coast of the Arabian Peninsula and on islands in the Persian Gulf, notably the island of al-Bahrain, are associated with the ancient kingdom of Dilmun*. (Britannica, s. v. “Dilmun”) Interestingly, ANE** literature refers to the land of Dilmun as an ancient paradise reminiscent of Eden.  (Arnold and Bayer, RANE, 15-19)

Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell, Evidence That Demands A Verdict (Thomas Nelson, 2017) pp. 438-439

This side of heaven, we will never know exactly where the Garden of Eden was located. But the Lord and you can turn your heart into a paradise as you walk with Him through this world. And when you exit this life, He is going to take you to Paradise to be with Him forever.


** Dilmun: Sumerian name of an ancient independent kingdom that flourished c. 2000 BCE, centred on Bahrain Island in the Persian Gulf. Dilmun is mentioned as a commercial centre in Sumerian economic texts of the late 4th millennium BCE, when it was a transshipment point for goods between Sumer and the Indus Valley. Copper and a variety of other goods, including stone beads, precious stones, pearls, dates, and vegetables, were shipped to Sumer and Babylonia in return for agricultural products. (Britannica)

**Ancient Near East literature

Author: carljohnsonsite

Happily married born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.